
Introducing Julienne Diva and Zack Mirza, also known affectionately as Julz and Nabeel to their families. Their story began amidst the chaos of the pandemic, a period most would rather forget. However, for the couple, it was a time of shared experiences, resilience, and boundless patience—which ultimately shaped the foundation of their relationship.

Their first date involved magic✨, and their mutual love for pizza 🍕, art 🎨, and sci-fi fantasy films 🎬. There was no way that Zack could ‘wine and dine’ Julz (everything was in lockdown), so they made it work with home-cooked food, UberEats 😂 and conversation to really get to know each other.

On August 21, 2023 Zack proposed on the Blue Mountain Gondola while catching the sunset. They celebrated their engagement in Collingwood with family and friends at their annual family cottage vacation.